
New evidence, including a sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court alleging World Governments are complicit in genocide and crimes against humanity

Silence from the Mainstream Media as several anti-C19-vax Presidents are assassinated and the Covid-19 Vaccines then “coincidentally” rolled-out in each country just days later

Official Data shows many more people have died due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 18 months

BBC Radio Newcastle presenter Lisa Shaw died aged 44 after suffering blood clots following Covid AstraZeneca jab, her family reveal

Pfizer violó el protocolo y adulteró las pruebas para obtener la aprobación de la FDA

US West Coast Port Congestion At Record High Amid Transpacific Trade Route Disruptions

Long-Term Studies Of COVID-19 Vaccines Hurt By Placebo Recipients Getting Immunized

Purportedly 'Neutral' NewsGuard Has Partisan Clown Michael Hayden on Board

La Révolte gronde chez les Pompiers !

Antarctic Sea Ice 'Rebound' Surprises Scientists - MSM Silent - Electroverse

Les effets secondaires ne seront publiés qu'après l'autorisation définitive de mise sur le marché, c'est Pfizer qui l'a exigé